
Customer Association Using DPOR/CPOR/PAL

Recently, I spent a lot of my time reading Microsoft docs and talking to Microsoft Partners about the best way to get recognized for the work they do with customers and how they can best earn incentives for that work. I’m absolutely terrible at remembering all the details so this blog post is as much a reference for me as it is for you! First, I will explain the old way of doing the association and then I will explain how it should be done according to the new ways.  DPOR - Digital Partner of Record (The old way) Digital Partner of Record associates servicing partners to a Microsoft cloud subscription. It is an online capability to attach a partner to a customer’s Microsoft online subscription. DPOR benefits the customer, the partner, and Microsoft. Partners can qualify for competencies and incentives by being the DPOR and enable them to help customers optimize their usage for desired business outcomes.  DPOR can be configured for the following below services  Microsoft O...

Azure Policy Automation using Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipleline

Without policies keeping control of Azure environment can be challenging. Azure Policy is a fundamental part of Azure Governance to maintain control of your environment. By using Azure Policy, you can enforce different rules over your resources. In this way, you can make it sure that resources are compliant with your corporate standards and service level agreements.   Examples: - Allow only desire Azure regions and block the rest of them. - Allow only specific virtual machine types and sizes.  By defining and assigning polices in Azure environment, you can still give access to different teams to Azure subscription but always stay in control. Basic Understanding Defining Azure policy is quite straight-forward but the understanding of key components is very important, which I have mentioned below Policy Definition  Azure provides built-in policies definition that covers most of the common cases but you can also create custom policies according to your own requirements....